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About basedSecurity

What is basedSecurity?

basedSecurity is a Lua loader service offered on an application-based system.

What are we trying to accomplish?

This was a fun project that I wanted to tackle and attempt to learn more about a topic I had not explored. I believe I have created a service that will allow people to securely share their scripts with their friends.

Is basedSecurity uncrackable?

No, nothing is uncrackable, but the security we provide is far from your basic system. Someone with a very high skillset could possibly crack it, but I am constantly working on tamper detection and other means to prevent such attacks to help protect your script.

How do I know you won’t leak my script?

I initially tackled this project to practice and make my own loader! My goal is not to collect scripts, but to learn as much as I can and provide a worthwhile service to an active user base. I am always open to feedback and will be trying to improve the security as needed.

Do you protect any script?

From full-on rage scripts to cool visual scripts, we will protect anything. Currently, we are only opening 5 beta slots, but we will look to expand in the future.

This sounds great! Where can I apply?

Fill out the Google form. It will be reviewed by staff to see if it qualifies for a beta slot.